Young Coderz Open Day

2019 Open Day @ YoungCoderz Club

Open Day @ YoungCoderz

Coding is the new skill of this generation. To empower students with the skills to become creative leaders in the digital era is crucial, not just for their future career and also for driving social change.

Come find out more at our Open Day this August!

Meet the Team & Understand More About Our Curriculum

Come tour our various technology booth and meet with the enthusiastic Young Coderz instructors in person!
We’ll be introducing our curriculum, addressing any questions about coding, technology and more!
There will be mini contests, challenges, workshops, selfie booths and many more!!!

 What will happen then?

  Welcome to Young Coderz – Registration & Introductory Presentation

  Get to know Young Coderz – Introduction to curriculum & programs

  View our students’ showcase of projects (games, apps, websites)

 Attend new and exciting workshops like Scratch Game Programming, Mobile Apps Development,Game Programming using various technologies, Robotics Challenges, AR/VR Gaming, Minecraft and Robolox workshops!

  Ask Your Questions – Q&A

  Young Coderz – Registration (Discounted price for on the spot registration)

  Announce contest winners

  Thank you & Goodbye with club goodies!